Saturday, January 31, 2009

WOW - where did the time go?

WOW, it was my full intention to write on a regular basis for 2009. Good intention. Now whereto begin....

Since this is the first post for 2009 it seems ok to post a list as that's what we all do at the first of a new year. Here goes:

100 things about me - in no apparent order:

1. Being a parent is the single hardest thing I have ever done.
2. Being a parent is the most rewarding job I have ever had.
3. Words do not exist to express how much I love my husband.
4. I am a stepmother - even though at our house we are like the Brady's and "step" is not part our vocabulary.
5. Someday I hope my daughter reads this blog.
6. I absolutely adore my daughter, even when she isn't very likeable
7. I love to cook -even though my family are very fussy eaters.
8. I am so proud of my husband - he is just an amazing man.
9. I love to knit.
10. I knit in traffic (a lot)
11. I am an ADD knitter - I LOVE to cast on!
12. My mother is my best friend.
13 My husband is my everything - he's on a playing field so much above everyone I know. Words cannot express my devotion to him.
14. I wish I had more patience.
15. I love my kitties - they are my babies and a huge part of my family.