Sunday, November 7, 2010

it's been a while

Hmmmm, seems like I have said that before.  New things about me since last post:

1.  We have a new family member - Leonard the cat.  He's a love adopted from Angelcat Haven in Attleboro, MA.  Yes, he's named after the character on the Big Bang Theory.

2.  I have lost 11.4 lbs on Weight Watchers.  Had to do something, hit maximum density.  Love feeling in control. 

3.  Still knitting up a storm.

4.  Daughter is still not a home.  She's in a program and doing very well.  That's all for now.  They go back to court next month.

5.  Met my childhood boyfriend - Johnny Gage!!! See my profile picture.  He actually came my office and hung out in our area for a bit. 

6.  We have the best friends in the world.  That said I am a bit jealous of them (see #4 above and previous posts), but wouldn't take away their happiness for anything.

7.  Really wish I could be more faithful in my writing.  There are days I feel like I have adult ADD/ADHD.  I just can't focus or stay on track. 

8.  I really need to start using my camera. I used to take the best photos.  Now I have a great camera and never use it.  That said, today I did photograph my homemade applesauce that I put up (5 pints).

That's all for now.  It's good to be back.