Friday, March 26, 2010


Just got off the phone with you.  You sound so different.  I also know it's the meds talking and if you were out in our world you would more than likely be more "with it" so to speak.  For once I got to to express myself without an arguement from you.  I don't know if it's your meds or you but it was nice.

Thre is a commerical on right now for making "easter eggs"  - I know you are too old for all that kind of stuff but as your mom I proclaim it my right not to let some of that stuff go.  I also realize that you are not always at home on Easter and with your other family and that's cool.  It's the main reason Daddy and I have decdied to travel during the Easter holiday. It just made me so sad that I won't even be making the  premise of an Easter basket for you this year.  Heck my mom still would if Dad and I hadn'[t been married for almost 15 years.  Actually she would if we were home.

That said I hope you see that based on decisions you have made for your life how much you affect others.   Dad and I are trying to plan a vacation, yes, our first without you.  I know what we told you last fall after our Disney trip, but you really think we are so awful that we would have shut you out? As long as  you were working or  being productive...I don't know that we would have gone anywhere without you.

The major issue is trust.  We don't have any at all.  PERIOD. END OF CONVERSATION.  You will have to fix that.  Dad and I will have ot find other places to travel - but not Myrtle Beach or any where in Floriday for the moment.  We truly can't travel where we have gone together.

too tired now - see you tomorrow.

love you.

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